Dymond Concentrates 2.0

Pound Cake (Sunset Sherbet) Live Resin Badder

THC: 73.9%   Pack Date: March 24th, 2022

Bag Appeal: 8.5/10 Flavour: 8.5/10
Freshness: 8/10 High:9/10
Smoke: 7/10 Overall: 8/10

Definitely some enjoyable stuff! Looks good with a light-amber terp colouration, and more doughy, cakey and herbal / earthy flavours to it. A bit on the wet side though and will thin out across the bottom of the dish occasionally.

Not my first time trying a product from Dymond, and everything so far by them has certainly been a hit! Especially their shatter at the prices offered – however I’ve always noticed them to hit harsher than other concentrates I’ve tried. But otherwise it’s nothing enough to have prevented me from giving this brand a try again.

Burns and smokes smooth out of a quartz banger + torch, leaves very little residue and erupts in white, thick and flavourful smoke, letting you know you hit the perfect temp. The high’s have always been incredibly potent too – this one leaving me more uplifted, relaxed, calmed and a bit sleepy. But not enough where I couldn’t get some stoned chill chats out before bed.

Overall, definitely a mid-day to evening indica-dominant smoke that will leave you impressed! Nothing out of this world, but I love seeing high quality artisans like Dymond or Dabble put out consistent quality for a price you can understand, and agree with to boot. If you see any of their pens, shatters or other concentrates that are up your alley, I’d definitely urge you to give them a shot! Thanks everyone and happy toking!

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